Denver Airport Departures Terminal Direction
Check Time of Departure of flights at Denver International Airport
Denver Airport Flight Departure Information
Find the latest status information for flights departing from Denver International Airport, updated minute-by-minute. This information is automatically updated by the airlines.
Check the status of your domestic or international Denver Airport (DEN) flight with the help of our live departures board. Switch between arriving and departing flights from Denver and find the flight you are interested in by using the quick search to specify the airline, flight time, or the origin/destination. The Table below will also show you which terminal your Denver flight will departing time schedule, and any delays affecting your route.

Denver Airport (DEN) Departures Board
Departure at Denver International Airport (DEN) usually takes place at the Jeppesen Terminal, Level 6, East or West Side, depending upon the airline timings.
Here you can do a quick search for your flights by entering your flight number or airline name. You can look for flights based on time, date, and origin. Check the status of your airline, whether it's landed on time/delayed, En Route, or Scheduled delayed.
You can also contact your airline helpline number to verify the exact flight status.